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book list造句

"book list"是什么意思  
  • The telephone book lists restaurants for each city according to name, area of the city, or kind of food .
  • Why did a recommended book list trigger off a debate
  • Your book is included in the new book list
  • The blue book lists your car under " health risk .
    兰皮书> >把你的车归在”有害健康“的行列。
  • Against a book listing the names of every government employee
  • Against a book listing the names of every government employee
  • Reference site list and book list
  • Geronimo book list
  • He couldn ' t find anything about it , so he decided to make a book listing records
  • You may discover other books that you find to be equally as helpful as the books listed here
  • It's difficult to see book list in a sentence. 用book list造句挺难的
  • The telephone book lists restaurants for each city by name , area of the city , or kind of food
  • If your needs are more complex , you ll need more complex patterns for checking the data ; see my book listed in
  • Chinese ancient novels are numerous , the features of chinese historical recorders ' books lists are disordered and confounded
  • The view of novels of han dynasty ' s books list does not concern about those style factors such as varieties of fodders , tact of writing , etc , but emphasize the work ' s function
    《汉志》小说观强调的是作品之“用” ,而并不关注作品的题材类型、写作手法等文体因素。
  • This book lists 12 sentence patterns with detailed grammatical rules , using infinitive , gerund , participles , passive voice , auxiliary verbs , tenses , subjunctive mood , articles , prepositions , adverbs , nouns , and comparison
  • From bibliography angle , the category of zhu - zi , included in han dynasty ' s books list , has a school of novelist , which indicates that the novelist is a school of thought with the same nature as zhuzi
    从目录学角度来看, 《汉书?艺文志》诸子略列有小说家,只能说明小说家是诸子之一,具有与诸子一样的性质,是一种学说派别。
  • Inquaity testifies methed many , make use of the infinitesimal calculus knowledge to testify inequality , have made inequality certificate process over - simplication , the main body of a book list 8 kinds method in common use
  • The view of novels of han dynasty ' s books list has greatly affected catalogue of novels in the aftertime , and here the historical cause of miscellaneous features of all novelists of chinese historical recorders ' books lists and disordered collection of such novels can be found
  • At present , with the expansion of the supplications and business , printing price system is the best applications of erp . it is taked advantage of the high coverage of the net and good transportation and the gsm resources , so it can be distributed the data from everyone via mobile computer techniques and they can send the booking lists to the company at any time and in any place , thus a convenient wireless way is offered to the collection of the data . this is definitely a trend that can be applied in all kinds of business
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